Edit scenario Invoice/Annexure || Back-Office Team

Edit scenario Invoice/Annexure || Back-Office Team

Dear Team,

This is to apprise you that if the customer asks for (1) Minor Name correction, (2) Address correction and (3) Addition of Landline number, or if any of them are missing, on the Invoice/Annexure, the back-office team shall tag the BBIT ticket using the appropriate tagging.





Billing Related Changed

SkyVera Team

Sterlite Monitor


Post confirmation from the billing team/BBIT Team, agent can proceed to edit the current or previous invoice/annexure

Further, the updated details would start reflecting from upcoming month

Note that updates will not be reflected on the previous month's invoice/annexure on our mobile application. 

What is the difference between 'name change' and 'name correction'?

  1. Name Change:
    • The "Name Change" is where the users update the entire name, including the first name, last name, or both.
  2. Name Correction:
    • The "Name Correction" function is to fix errors or inaccuracies in a customer's existing name.
    • This is meant to correct the typos, misspellings, or other mistakes in official records or documents.
    • Add Salutation, Tittle, Middle Name or Last name, if missing 

Thanks & Regards,

Team Tata Play Fiber

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