Data Exhausted Exception Handling

Data Exhausted Exception Handling

Following is the current process of data exhausted exception handling:

Scenario 1: My Speed is slow - Agent analyses that data is exhausted 

  1. Agent receives the call for ‘My internet speed is slow’ 
  2. Agent tags FTR in One View / HOBS
  3. Tags the call under the following:
Sub Type
Speed related
Resolution Code 
Quota exhausted 

Scenario 2: Customer’s data quota is showing exhausted on the customer APP 

  1. Agent receives the call for ‘Data quota is showing exhausted on the customer app’
  2. Agent tags FTR in One View / HOBS
Plan related
Sub Type
Data exhausted 
Resolution Code 
Info provided

New Process 

Follow the above process in both the scenarios. Also, add one more tagging as shown below: 

  1. Agent receives the call for slow speed/data exhausted
  2. Tags the complaints as shown previously
  3. Adds one more tagging as shown below

Plan related
Sub Type
Data addon
Resolution Code 
Data added

To know more about the process update, click open the attachment available below.
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